
Call for Papers for the semi-thematic N° 67: (Re)defining rural territories, between the global South and North: actors, processes, scales.

Full papers are invited to be submitted via the journal's official platform by 15 March 2024.

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An assessment of Land Use Data Bases for location and spatial distribution of solar and wind energy in Spain


  • Jaime Díaz Pacheco Universidad de La Laguna, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, España
  • Richard Hewitt James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Scotland, United Kingdom
  • Abel López Díez Universidad de La Laguna, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, España
  • Pedro Dorta Antequera Universidad de La Laguna, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, España


The implementation of renewable energies is one of the most outstanding actions that are included in the policies of reduction of greenhouse gases. This is one of the most important global factors of its implementation. However, from a territorial and local perspective, there are other factors, such as the relationship with the landscape, land uses, the environment and socio-economic activities, which make it necessary to develop spatial information sources, characteristics and the way in which renewable energies are implemented. This work has the objective of assessing the possibilities offered by the ‘Land Use Information System in Spain’ (SIOSE) to carry out various analyses related to the location patterns of solar and wind energy installations in the Spanish mainland. In order to make the assessment, the degree of implantation of wind and solar energy production facilities is analysed, as well as their distribution by regions. At the same time and in combination with the CORINE Land Cover source, it is clear that land use and land cover are being occupied by these energies, and that urban uses are closer to the production facilities. Finally, using altitudinal information and databases of protected natural spaces, it is observed that there are important differences between solar and wind energy in the degree of soil occupation within these spaces.


CORINE Land Cover, Landscape, Land Uses, Renewable Energy, Territory