Hacia una nueva inserción de Europa en la economía mundial


  • Alain Lipietz


To speak of "the insertion of Europe into the world economy" poses a very particular problem. As an economic entity, Western Europe exists and does not exist at the same time. This Europe must be conceived as an open, complex and heterogeneous subsystem that is in a phase of rapid economic and institutional restructuring. And this subsystem is in turn inserted into a world economy whose evolution is itself problematic. The first section of this paper describes this "world picture". Then the macroeconomic insertion of Europe in this panorama is studied, and the third section examines this insertion again, but this time from a sectorial point of view.


Europe, European Community, Economic Insertion, World Trade, Common Market

Author Biography

Alain Lipietz

Investigador en el Centro de Estudios Prospectivos de Economía Matemática Aplicados a la Planificación (CEPREMAP), de París. Autor de numerosos trabajos sobre economía política, integración europea y países en vías de desarrollo.