The Psichagogy as Educative Activity on Michel Foucault



In The Hermeneutics of the Subject, Foucault maintains that, in the culture of the self, pedagogy and psychagogy existed as two forms of education, differentiated by virtue of the ethopoietic purpose of each one. However, it is not clear what this means since the distinction is made without clarification of the framework in which it takes place. In this sense, we propose to highlight the constitutive aspects of psychagogy, establishing a problematization of the way in which ethopoiesis itself is understood here, through which we will try to explain its reference to the concepts of veridiction and self-care.


psychahogy, ethos, self-comprehension, parrhesía, veridiction

Author Biography

Laura Salcedo, Universidad de Valladolid

Estudiante del grado de filosofía en la Universidad de Valladolid.


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