Historical context of the origin of the ethics of scientific research and its philosophical foundations


  • Adela Montero Vega Universidad de Chile


Given that bioethics emerges as a reaction to the infringement of people’s dignity, commissions have been created to regulate the experimentation on humans beings. To consider both the limits of biomedical investigation and the routine practice of medicine require risk/benefit criteria in investigations where subjects participate. Which principles provide an answer to the challenging conundrum of human experimentation? Can these principles substantiate normative and regulatory criteria that prove themselves valid for research ethics? What are the limits of practical and theoretical research? As will be shown, there is practically no specific regulation for social research beyond the one derived from medical research. Hence, we will describe the historical roots and the philosophical bases of research ethics in order to present its limits and methodological scopes.


Human research, Bioethics, Principles, Rules, Ethics committees


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