The evasion of Mnemosyne, museology for political construction


  • Sigal Meirovich Universidad SEK


The incorporation of Pinochet in the last temporary exhibition of the National Historical Museum of Chile "Children of freedom. 200 years of independence" made possible a new irruption of memory in the present. The public debate that it raises was characterized by the media as a battle between emblematic museums because the Museum of Memory and Human Rights, together with other actors, accuse the former of transgressing the ethical framework of Human Rights and Human Right and transgress itself in it. The latter triumphs in hegemonizing the field of the recent past, constituting its logical structure as a legitimate mode of representation. In the present article, through the the Levinasian critique of Western metaphysics, the effective political performance of such triumph is put into question.


Totality, Evasion, Lévinas, Museum of Memory and Human Rights, National Historical Museum