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Differentiation and inequality


  • Jorge Galindo Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Cuajimalpa


This paper is part of a series of programmatic writings in which I develop aspects of the theory of the social reduction of contingency. The main goal of the paper is to outline an articulation between two fundamental dimensions of social analysis, namely: differentiation and inequality. The paper is divided into three parts. The first is devoted to merely conceptual reflections on the theory of the social reduction of contingency and the concept of inequality; the second focuses on analyzing the forms of differentiation that have existed throughout sociocultural evolution and the third deals with the various forms that inequality acquires in modern society: social classes and other hierarchical attributes such as gender and ethnicity, programmatic fields and the phenomena of dedifferentiation.


Differentiation, Inequality, Social class, Capital, Field, Dedifferentiation


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