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Observations from social systems theory to the educational inclusion of children with disabilities


  • Ossandón Pérez Ossandón Pérez Universidad de O´Higgins


The purpose of this essay is to address the inclusion of children with disabilities in the educational system, integrating the contributions of the Social Systems Theory to observe this phenomenon. For this purpose, a theoretical review is made around Luhmann's proposal and current policies in education, which include special educational needs (SEN). The idea of this observation is to evaluate inclusion, beyond the ascription to any educational organization, and to include the distinctions and contributions from the systemic theory that could allow to approach the problem with another perspective. The above is framed within the contingency of social movements that aim at the inclusion of individuals in the different systems; discarding the selection based on economic, cultural, and other criteria.


Education, Disability, Social systems theory, Inclusion, Exclusion


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