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A Niklas Luhmann’s Formula?


  • Eder Alejandro Domínguez Sandoval Universidad Iberoamericana


The aim of this paper attempts to reach two main statements: setting out the understanding about Formula One throughout the Theory of Society of Niklas Luhmann; contrariwise, acknowledging concepts of this theory beyond an approach of the differentiation of this sport. Employing Luhmann’s Theory to acquire new outlooks about Formula One, it has been sought to settle foundations for a logic able to demonstrate the polycontextural form of the world carried out by modern sport. Meanwhile, it has been tried to evidence the value of a new apprehension of the world in the ‘wild contingency’ era adopting the Formula One as an understanding of Luhmann’s Theory. An epilogue has been added to expose eleven theses on Luhmann, or what is more, what could be considered as Niklas Luhmann’s Formula.


Contexture, Formula One, Distinction, Differentiation, Complexity


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