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The scientific ethics committees in Chile


  • Hugo Cadenas Universidad de Chile
  • Manuel Vargas Valenzuela Universidad de Chile
  • Maximiliano Rivas Campos Universidad de Chile


This article is focused on the phenomenon of the ethics committees in institutions dedicates to scientific research in Chile from a qualitative and exploratory research, which objective was characterizing these committees from their moral, normative, and organizational dimensions. The research included interviews to members, users, and experts in the phenomenon. Nine hypothesis relatives to the three dimensions were assessed, and the results were analyzed utilizing a functional contextual focus. It concludes that the ethics committees analyzed applies norms within the organizations and that the applications of ethics regulations depend in relation to the experience of each committee regarding its participation in the analysis of research and cases, and according to the scientific domain which they are confined. The paper ends by pointing out theoretical issues as guidance for further research.


Ethics committees, Empirical research, Chile, Social organizations, Normativity


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