
Convocatoria RChD: Creación y Pensamiento | Vol. 10 Nº 19 | DIC 2025 | Tema abierto. Envío de artículos: 3 de febrero al 31 de julio de 2025

Packaging as a Link to the Environmental Issues. Tools and Languages for the Communication of Sustainability


  • Valeria Bucchetti Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy.
  • Francesca Casnati Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3184-4551


Sustainability is one of the key words which is nowadays highly discussed in the field of packaging. Our contribution is located in the research area that concerns the communicative and informative functions of packaging in relation to the issue of environmental sustainability. The reflection evolves from a perspective that assigns packaging the role of link, an entrance that allows access to content and information aimed at making the consumers aware of their purchasing choices. The paper is articulated with the presentation of a case study developed within a European research project, through which we aim to provide a contribution to the disciplinary area from the methodological and practical perspective.

Palabras clave:

Communication Design, Ethical Packaging Charter, PEF Label.